The third challenge in the 7 Day Challenge: Say Good bye to Survival Mode is to Create a Morning Routine. This challenge was an easy one because I already have a morning routine thanks to Flylady. I have followed her principles for many years and the one that has stuck the longest is a morning routine.
So here is mine:
Wake up between 5:15-6 am
Make bed, pick up clothes, tidy bathroom
Make coffee
Go over to-dos
Quiet time (30-45 minutes)
Computer time-emails, blogging, Facebook, etc
Wake up kids and get them going for school which we start at 8:30 on good days 9:00 on not so good days.
Kitchen clean up
10 minute tidy
get ready for school (me get dressed, showered if needed, get school stuff ready)
What I need to adjust:
1. One of Flylady’s mantras is “get dressed to shoes” and I don’t usually do that. I think I should, though, so I could feel more productive right off the bat. I like to walk around the park in the morning but I don’t because I am still in pjs and robe.
2. Actually getting up with my alarm. Today for example, I had a horrible night sleep and I ended up turning off the alarm. I started off on the wrong foot and feel “behind”.
Maybe I need to give myself some GRACE. I do a lot every morning. My morning routine has always helped me get things going. In fact, on days that I don’t look at routine, I feel lost. Sounds silly, but its true. So, thank you, Crystal, for reminding me of it’s importance.