I am using the pages in The NO-Spend Month Success Planner found on www.thriveorsurvive.us to really focus on this No Spend Challenge and plan ahead. Specifically, I am using the weekly planning/reflection sheets.
Week One Planning
What are your upcoming expenses this week?
Labor Day- I am having family over tomorrow so I will be spending $50 on food and snacks.
CBS lunch-After our first CBS(community bible study) study I will be taking the kids to lunch.
Dog Medication-My dog needs some meds that will cost a pretty penny, but I already knew it was coming and I have a budget line for this.
Are there any potential spending triggers to be aware of? If so, how will you avoid them?
I am always tempted to stop and get a yummy drink somewhere whether it’s at Baskin Robbins or our local coffee shop, especially now that I will start working outside of my home starting this week. I am going to try and find a yummy recipe on Pinterest to satisfy my craving. I also have a free coffee at our local coffee shop maybe I will use it this week.
Daily meals is also a trigger, I forget to defrost things or am too tired to cook so out comes the take out menus. My goal is to make easy, recipes and things that I already have on hand.
Any fun plans this week? How will you and your family keep occupied without spending?
The kids have started school and youth group, so the only days we vulnerable for spending is on the weekends. So maybe we can plan a movie marathon for Saturday or game night for Friday.
That’s it for now. I will update on how it went.