Today I am sharing a link to Udi’s Bread website. Guest Blogger, Lisa Cantkier, Founder of Gluten Free Find, has an article on Tips for newbies.
Here are my two-cents to add to the list:
1. One thing she doesn’t say, maybe it’s just obvious, is to educate yourself with as much information as you can about gluten free living especially if you have Celiac Disease. My biggest frustration in the beginning was trying to explain why my son couldn’t eat gluten. So, by educating myself, I can educate others. I have had the privelege of enlightening many people.
2. Don’t be afraid to talk to local restaurants and find out if they are willing to accomodate you. I have two examples to share. My family loves pizza. We were sad when we first started this journey in 2006 because we thought we’d never be able to go sit at a pizza parlor as a family again. Well, I went to the owner and explain our situation and I asked him if he would be willing to cook my son’s pizza when we came. I explained in detail about the cross contamination and he said yes. There was one young man who always worked on our pizza. He knew he had to change his gloves, put our pizza on foil before putting it on their racks, and use a different cutter to cut his pizza. We got to enjoy sitting at the pizza shop together. I also called our favorite Mexican food place and discussed with the owner our situation. By doing so, I was able to find out exactly what meals had flour and which didn’t. This family has been so good to us. They go out of their way to make sure nothing ever is contaminated. When we’ve tried to change things up and order something new, they always let us know if the item will be a problem. They also have been able to help other families who eat gluten free so I am happy about that.