I feel like I have done my children a disservice by not including them more in the kitchen. I guess it’s always been easier to do it myself. That is true with cleaning and with cooking. I read an e-book recently called Back to Basics: Raising Self-Sufficient Children which made me really reconsider the importance of teaching my children to cook. I’ve started and stopped several attempts to include them, usually I get frustrated and just want to do it myself, so I’ve decided that I need to look at cooking as an on-going course, just like any of the homeschool course I have to teach.
Here is what I’ve decided to do:
1. Each week my kids will take turn in helping me with cooking. I am writing a sticky note on each of my recipes and writing what my kids could do to help me. I think that will be a good first start.
2. We are going to make simple recipes from start to finish together once a week as part of our school day. I’m sure they would willingly give up an academic subjects to spend time in the kitchen.
3. Once a month I am going to challenge my tween to pick a recipe, shop for the ingredients, and cook the meal for us. In fact I found a cool website that we are going to use called It’s My Turn to Cook Tonight.The author, a young gal, is having a cooking program the 22 and 23rd of this Month.
These are my first step. My Cooking with Kids 101. I think it sounds good for a book title.